Liberty Corner Mission USA, an interdenominational faith mission, is the foreign mission arm of Fellowship

Deaconry Ministries, located in Liberty Corner, New Jersey, bringing God's Word of salvation and

transformation to the peoples of Japan and Taiwan. God has commanded and empowered us to be HIS

witnesses in the world, and HE directs us when we obey. Read more...



Click here to see updates on the situation in Taiwan due to the earthquake.




The VISION of Liberty Corner Mission USA

is to increase the number of true worshippers and disciples of the Triune God on foreign shores.


The MISSION of Liberty Corner Mission USA

is to partner with churches and individuals to recruit, equip, send, and support

both foreign and indigenous missionaries on foreign fields,

who will plant and grow reproducing churches, minister to human need,

and motivate the nation churches, minister to human need,

and motivate the national church to walk in God's truth.


The PASSION of Liberty Corner Mission USA

is to be compelled by the love of God to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ,

called to live and love sacrificially,

and to be committed to the ministry of reconciliation.



~ from II Corinthians 5:14-21